Friday, September 3, 2010

Cab Drivers

Does the Statue of Liberty say "Hey third world countries...send us the worst fucking drivers you have!!"? What is it with these cocksucker cab drivers? Go back to riding goats. Last I checked...Ethiopia, for example, doesn't have a rich history of professional race car drivers. What kind of automobiles do they manufacture again in Pakistan? Holy crap! Do they even have paved roads in India? there one fucking road that isn't covered in dirt? 
You mean that I gotta pay $30 for this smelly prick to give me a "safe" ride? We cut off 4 cars, stopped at 2 green lights, I'm pretty sure we side swiped a bicycle. I couldn't roll the window down because it was broken so I get to smell the wonderful combo of whatever he ate for lunch coming out of his armpits in the 90 degree cab all soaked up in his rayon fucking shirt....etc...etc. It's not like it's an isolated incident either. 
I bet EVERY foreign cab driver is the worst driver in their family to boot...including their mothers...and we all know that mothers are bad drivers. Which is why I won't have kids. I worry about my wife's safety behind the wheel of a car once she spits out a child.
"You are going where? The INS building? I've never been there."
Just had to bitch about it real quick.

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